Krymsk 1 Rootstock brought to you by Varieties International

Krymsk® 1
(cv. VVA-1) USPP 15995

Krymsk® 1 rootstock is an interesting tree fruit rootstock providing vigor control and improved fruit size. Additionally, Krymsk® 1 appears suited to areas requiring cold hardiness.

Krymsk®1 is competitive with traditional rootstocks such as Lovell as a rootstock for either European Plums or Japanese Plums.

Early information has demonstrated good yield efficiencies and some enhanced fruit size. While not appropriate for high bacterial canker sites, Krymsk®1 performs relatively well under Root-knot and Lesion nematode pressure.

Some trials with peaches and nectarines have reported 50 to 60 % the vigor of peach seedling with enhanced fruit size. Other trials have reported numerous incompatibilities with peach and nectarine.

Krymsk®1 rootstock also appears interesting for trialing with Apricot. Yield efficiencies and fruit size are similar to standard rootstocks for Apricot. Tree vigor is 50 to 70% of standard rootstocks. Compatibilities with all fruit should be checked, especially with Peaches and Nectarines.

There are currently no known incompatibilities with Plum. Tree spacing should account for the vigor of this rootstock in the grower’s local conditions.


Prunus tomentosa x Prunus cerasifera (Chinese Bush Cherry x Myrobalan Plum)

2001 & 2002 NC-140 Peach trial, 2002 in New York Plum trial, 2004 in California Apricot trial.

Plum (European and Japanese), some Peaches and some Apricots. Apricot Cultivars tested are Apache, Robada and OrangeRed® for 6 years. Numerous Peach and Plum cultivars tested for 3 to 6 years. Numerous Peach cultivars tested in Russia for 15 years.

50 to 70% of Nemaguard or Lovell with both Plums and Apricots. About 50% to 60% of Lovell or Nemaguard with Peach.

Good with Apricot and Plum, variable with Peach depending on compatibility.

Similar to Lovell.

Between Mazzard and Gisela® 6.

Excellent with European and Japanese Plums. Good with Peaches and Apricots. Has shown some enhanced fruit size with European and Japanese Plums and some Peaches in Washington state.

Fruit ripens two days ahead of Mazzard.

Produces some trunk and root suckers.

Appears to be similar to Lovell and higher than Citation.

Has shown hardiness better than Lovell in upper New York.

Moderate resistance to Rootknot and good resistance to Lesion nematodes.

Spain has seen moderate tolerance.


Susceptible. Level of susceptibility is quite high, but needs more evaluation to determine the impact in orchards.

Sensitive to pH above 8.

Krymsk Rootstock brought to you by Varieties International